While I can’t turn off the part of my brain that says, “Is this a good user experience? How can we make it better?” — I try to make time for other stuff, too.
My photography has appeared in Gin Magazine, TheGinIsIn.com, Amazon & Etsy … and all over social media. For retail and magazine photography, I aim for a clear, simple telling story of the product or item to be featured.

3D Printing with String
Because, at the heart, that is essentially what knitting and crocheting really is. I favor bold, useful designs that are tailored to the user’s preference and needs.

I run primarily to eat things smothered in cheese, and telling horrifying, gruesome stories about injuries and Things A Body Does Under Extreme Stress.

I’ve shamelessly copied the below method for a proper cup of tea.

There is a very simple principle to the making of tea and it’s this…
Douglas Adams, circa May 1999